A downloadable One Page Dungeon

For many years thought to only be a legend of spooked trappers and traveler's, a sickly rot has slowly been sweeping across the forest. Not only are the plants effected, animals are rotting both in the ground, and before they die. Long ago, a group of druids found themselves delving into the art of necromancy, looking to meld nature with death to bring the spirit of their Goddess into this world. What horrors are waiting to be released from these chambers?

This is a system-agnostic one page dungeon that is suited for any fantasy-based table top rpg. This location can be modified to fit any party, however it is designed around a party that is a lower level.

Included in the download is the full document that outlines the adventure, along with an individual larger file for the map.


Harshvana's Temple.pdf 5.6 MB
Harshvana's Temple Map.png 3.4 MB

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